Wednesday, April 30, 2008

He works hard for his money!

I am working hard and loving life here in Big Bear City! I have been doing odd jobs around the Nature's Inn and tomorrow I will be starting on a log fence that will surround a prayer walk. I work with some great people here.....There is Ed, the owner of the Inn and my boss who is anything but typical (long haired, bearded, eccentric type), there is Gerry, a 6'3" Cajun man from the swamps outside New Orleans complete with the full accent, and then there is Robyn the housekeeper (aka Silverfinger). There are also various side characters like DeWayne and his dog Baby, and then also the occasional vagrant that stumbles up looking for something to do....We have a lot of fun here and the Inn is full of hikers so there is no shortage of excitement. It looks like the day I will be back on the trail is May 28th so that will give me plenty of time to save up some money....I don't need to buy gear any longer because the earlier mentioned Trail Angel Adrian is going to loan me some very expensive ultralight gear to continue on my adventure....He has a heart the size of California!!! Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to hearing from everyone!


clane said...

WOW, WOW, WOW.... you are having an awesome time! I am so proud of you for having the courage to carve out and follow your on path. Stay safe :-)


Casey Burnett on PCT said...


I enjoy your brief and discriptive posting style.

I'm heading into Big Bear in a few days. I've linked to your blog from my own

If you have a chance could you maybe ponder possible ways for a small band of hikers (4 or 5) to fill-in there the 40 miles of closed San Jacinto section. My only idea is to rent a car from Big Bear Lake or Wrightwood but that will be some $$$.


(helped you out at ULA's tent at KO, nice score on the U.L. gear by the way)

Rena' Smith said...

Hello Forager! Sounds like you're working hard yet having fun. I'm sure you have encountered some wonderful souls along the way. Enjoy! Thinking of you.